Click below to access our learning standards.

Click below to view Curriculum Maps for each subject and grade level.
Click below to view assessment and district reports.
The NWEA MAP test is taken in the Fall, Winter and Spring by grades K-10 to measure learning growth in Math, English Reading and Science.
The Smarter Balance test is taken each Spring by our students in Grades 3-8 and 11. It tests proficiency in Math, English Reading and Science.
Liber Institute: Coaching Needs Data Report 2024-2025
Wo’awacin Spiral Evaluation 2022-2023
Wo’awacin Spiral Evaluation 2021-2022
Liber Institute Mid-Year Coaching Evaluation 2022-2023
Liber Institute Mid-Year Implementation Review 2022-2023
Liber Institute Mid-Year Implementation Review OLL 2022-2023
Liber Institute End of Year Implementation Review OLL 2022-2023