Pine Ridge, SD – We are thrilled to announce the release of a captivating video series created by our talented summer interns, who are high school students at Maȟpíya Lúta. This series offers an inside look at the innovative project they’ve developed.
A highlight of this series is the unique program where our interns have been teaching students basketball using the Lakota language. This initiative promotes physical activity and utilizes Lakota by integrating language learning into sports—a powerful combination of tradition and innovation.
Our interns have completed this six-part series in collaboration with Wóiwahoye Gluótkuŋzapi, Maȟpíya Lúta, the Youth Innovation in Rural America Project, and the Smithsonian’s Museum on Main Street’s Spark! Places of Innovation. Their work underscores the importance of cultural heritage and showcases the strength of our partnerships with these esteemed organizations.
The video series is a testament to the dedication and creativity of our interns, who have poured their talents into each project, while learning the language themselves.
We invite you to watch and share this video series, celebrating the remarkable achievements of our summer interns. Stay tuned for further release dates, and join us in honoring these talented individuals and the inspiring projects they’ve brought to life.
Don’t miss this opportunity to witness innovation in action!